CMOSTEK Writer is a USB off-line programmer supporting manufacturing of CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM products. It works with PC or external power supply to configure the CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM products.
The CMOSTEK WriterConfig is the GUI for the CMOSTEK Writer. The configuration file with the .expsubfix exported by the RFPDK, can be downloaded to the Writer using the WriterConfig, and the CMOSTEK Writer can burn it to CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM products. Users can upgrade or degrade the version of the WriterConfig if necessary.
The CMOSTEK Writer supports working with fully automatic machine. There is an option named “Machine Mode” on the WriterConfig interface. If chosen, the user needs to press the START button on the board to trigger the burning. If not, the Writer will start burning once if the IC is valid connected.
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